SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket
SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket


SleepGift Everyday EMF Protection Blanket

Sale price$189.00
Dimension:184*142 CM

Babies and children are especially vulnerable to EMF health hazards and their developing bodies need to be protected against constant EMF radiation. Our blankets protect adults and children during long hours of sleep and whenever you are exposed to EMF radiation by electronic devices.

This cozy blanket is made of special silver-infused fabric that blocks out 99% of electromagnetic radiation while holding anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

Metallic Coating

Protective coating that can molecularly bond with products upon application. Bacteria are attracted to the coating’s positive charge, and upon coming into contact with the treated surface, they quickly die. When applied to surfaces, a colorless, odorless, positively charged polymer that attracts, then electrocutes and ruptures, a microbe’s negatively charged cell membrane.

SleepGift blankets are made with special fabric which is made with nano-sized silver particles. These particles are able to block over 99% of EMF
signals.  This effectiveness result is proven by Ontario Tech University.

Our blankets are made to protect us from the EMF radiation we get from
cell phones, routers, wireless devices, 5G cameras, cell towers and from many other devices in the home and work environment. The radiation emitted by these devices are breaking down our melatonin and serotonin hormones. These hormones regulate our sleep and mental health. By blocking the signals our body is protected not only against EMF radiation's detrimental effect on sleep and mental health but also its long-term chronic effects such as cancer and DNAchanges.